Saturday, May 5, 2012

Kayak Fishing Tour, Papamoa

What: Kayak Fishing Tour at Papamoa beach with Tim from NZ     

When: Year-round - the fish are always there! (wetsuit/thermals recommended in winter!)

Where: Tours run from Papamoa, Mt. Maunganui, or Tauranga Harbour


A beautiful, clear April afternoon made for near-perfect kayak fishing conditions, with the only threat being the small waves on the Papamoa coastline making for a slightly more challenging paddle out.  Before setting off on the fishing tour, our friendly instructor Tim gave us the down-low on how to work the kayaks and fishing gear.  A thorough demonstration covered all aspects of the ensuing trip from paddling tips, to casting and lure techniques. After giving us some pointers on how to paddle and balance through the waves, Tim sent us off one-by-one instructing us to paddle as quickly as possible through the breaking waves.  

The solid fishing kayaks sailed easily over the breaking waves, minus a slight misjudgement of the first wave which managed to tip me out upon entry (wetsuit recommended!).  After meeting Tim beyond the breakers we then began to paddle in the general direction of Motiti Island.  After a 30-40 minute paddle Tim’s fish radar seemed satisfied and he then assisted us to release our sea anchors and cast out our rods!  

The next few hours were spent casting, fishing, chatting and enjoying the sights of the Mount Mauganui and Papamoa coastline.  Along with useful fishing tips, Tim provided great conversation with lot’s of exciting stories to share from his recent solo circumnavigation of NZ by kayak.  Fish-wise the afternoon was a little quieter than usual with a few bites, a few undersized throw-backs and Kelly being the only one to land some decent-sized snapper.  However, the lack of fish didn’t dampen the fun afternoon in the sun and Tim kindly gave us a plateful of fresh snapper fillets each to take home - part of his bounty from a more successful trip the day before!

If you are interested in one of these kayak fishing tours visit for more details, email, or ring Tim direct on 027 668 9904.  Tim is currently running an introductory special of $50 per person for a 4hr fishing tour so get in fast!!

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