Saturday, April 14, 2012

Wild foods Festival - Hokitika

What: A festival where the main attraction is food and drink that you would not usually consume. 
When: 9th of March
Where: Hokitika, West coast
Hokitika is about a three and a half hour drive from Christchurch, with absolutely stunning views as you cross over Arthur's Pass National Park. The festival begins on the Friday night and continues until the early hours of Sunday morning. The main attraction is the Saturday festival, which starts at 10am and finishes at 5pm. The population of Hokitika quadruples during this weekend, with up to 18,000 people attending the festival. There is a range of accommodation available in Hokitika, however, it does need to be booked well in advance. For people travelling on a budget, many of the local schools become camp grounds over the weekend. Dressing up is highly encouraged and the "best dressed" receives a $1000 travel voucher.

The Wild Food Festival is famous for the special West Coast food that is on offer. At the festival you will find things such as huhu grubs, crickets, mountain oysters (aka sheep testicles), brain, vertebrae, duck stomach, horse semen, pukeko, raw tuna, gourmet garden snails, colostrum desserts, moonshine and elderflower and rhubarb champagne. There is also plenty of West Coast whitebait and fresh berry desserts for those not so keen to try the interesting wild foods. The food is reasonably priced, between $1 and $5. To wash down the wild foods there is plenty of local Monteiths beer on tap. 

As the sun goes down many people head to the beach, which was covered in bonfires for as far as you can see. Here, you can have a few drinks and socialise with the other hundreds of other festival goers. The following morning there is a mass exit from the town. It is definitely recommended to either get up early, or else stay in Hokitika for the day and explore this beautiful West Coast mining town.

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