When: Any time of year (just make sure its a clear day!)
Where: Pohokura Road, Approximately one hour north of Napier
Bell Rock is a beautiful walk through a mixture of lush NZ bush and open farmland. After hearing of the Bell Rock look out with its views over the Kaweka mountain ranges and Hawke's Bay coastline, we decided this would be the perfect chance to stretch our legs on a four-hour drive from Tauranga to Napier. Unfortunately, the overcast weather this day did not agree with our plans to capture the panoramic sights that can normally be seen from Bell Rock. However, the mist provided an element of enchantment and to the bush, and Bell Rock in thick fog was an eerie experience, with all sights hidden beyond the massive rocky outcrop.
The start of the Bell Rock walk is a decent drive off the main highway and there were several small landslips along the windy gravel Pohukura Road, so care should be taken! When you pass a rocky formation in a paddock to your left you have almost reached the entrance to the Bell Rock walk. Continue down the road for a further few minutes and you will see the Bell Rock walk track signposted on your right. There is lots of room to park on the grassy verges next to the track start.
The walk itself started as a gentle undulating path through beech and podocarp forest. A symphony of native bird calls provided some sweet background music with the chatter of tui, bellbird and kereru often heard here. After 30-40minutes the path emerged onto open farmland with painted green DOC posts marking the rest of the track (about 30 mins) through the paddocks towards Bell Rock. Bell Rock is a massive rocky outcrop, and the ridges of this outcrop are fun to explore but slippery when wet! The return trip is via the same track, just make sure to keep track of the green posts when heading back through the paddocks!
Pohukura Road can be accessed from State Highway 5 (Napier-Taupo road) via Waitara road, if coming from Taupo. If heading up from Napier, head towards Tutira and take a left onto Matahorua Road and a second left onto Pohokura Road. If heading from Taupo don't miss the turn-off to the Waipunga falls lookout on Napier-Taupo road (signposted, just off the main highway). This triple-waterfall is a spectacular sight after some heavy rainfall!
Nice track!